Muwu User Guide


Project Actions


Inspect a Project

From the project directory, type the command:

muwu inspect

The inspector will show the following information:

  • project options
  • a list of the project documents that Muwu will compile, including:
    • section numbers
    • headings
    • filenames
  • any warnings or errors in the project

By default, the inspector will generate a warning for project headings that do not have a source text file.

  • To disable warnings for project headings:

    1. Open options.yml
    2. Change the option warning_if_parent_heading_lacks_source to false.


Compile a Project

From the project directory, type the command:

muwu compile

Muwu will read the outline, metadata, and options. If there are no “fatal” exceptions in the project, Muwu will compile the source text files.

You can also compile individual components of a project:

muwu compile css

Compile only the stylesheet for a project.

muwu compile html

Compile only the html output from the source text.

muwu compile html [index]

Compile only a single html document. You can find the [index] number from the Inspector.

muwu compile js

Compile only the javascript library (if applicable).


Publish a Project


Sync a Project


Reset Project Components


Concatenate Source Files

You can also combine all the source text files into a single markdown document, including section numbers and outline headings.

From the project directory, type the command:

muwu concat

Muwu will read the outline and combine all the source text files into a single markdown file. The new file will include section numbers and headings.

At this point in time, muwu concat does not generate contents, metadata, navigator, subcontents, or title sections.